Tuesday, January 13, 2009

some inspiration for the new year

Every breath is a 2nd chance.
To give your bad mood a makeover. To stop checking your 401k balance.
To wean yourself from Wolf Blitzer.
To remember the cloth grocery bags instead of leaving them in the car. To break out of an old holding pattern. To cultivate compassion from the inside out.
To shrink your elastic waistband. To become a dog person.
To read yourself around the world if you can't afford a ticket. To bail yourself out of debt.
To talk face to face instead of on Facebook.
To change the plot of your life story.
To do a somersault - how long has it been?
To give wings to your grounded dreams.

i found this quote/saying a few weeks ago and have been carrying it around in my planner. maybe it's a little cheesy for some but i love the idea behind it. it also goes well with my yoga teacher's recent teachings that every day is a new opportunity to start over. good to remember in the resolution frenzy that is the new year.

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