Monday, March 3, 2008


So this weekend ended up being pretty fun - even if I did spent several hours Saturday and Sunday at work ;(

Friday we had dinner with a couple Cary works with. We went to Noche - a fun tapas restaurant in Virginia-Highlands. After an hour plus wait at the bar, we finally got a table but it was worth the wait. I love tapas- it's so fun and I like being able to taste dishes without having to commit to one. (plus the sangria, although Noche's wasn't the best)

Saturday and Sunday were mostly filled with work (me) and driving range (Cary). I also found this hilarious shirt for Jackson - any dog owners out there, check out the pet section at Target. The one at Atlantic Station had a ton of dog shirts for less than $2!

Spring in on it's way in Atlanta - the weekend was mid-60s and today in the 70s. As anyone who knows me can imagine, I'm very happy ;)

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

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