Thursday, March 6, 2008

Thank God for the Internet....

So I've been pretty busy at work lately. Unfortunately I'm busy with document review, which can be the most mind-numbingly boring task ever. To the rescue....the miracles of the internet (or internets, if you're GW).

Here's what's keeping me sane today:

* - a fun, quick way to see top stories on pretty much any topic you can imagine.

* This recipe for Nutella ice cream. Seriously dangerous. I'm going to try it the next time I have a free day at home (ha!) or more likely after we buy a house and have storage space for things like ice cream makers.

* The latest undergrad B-school rankings from BusinessWeek. Not only does this make me even more proud to be a Wahoo, it makes my resume look better!

* and of course, my faithful friends at jcrew and bluefly - because there's no work a little online shopping can't help!

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